I believe my best writing is somewhere in my text messages. It’s stuff I write to some of my life’s important characters when I’m unraveling late at night or feeling particularly scared or stimulated or in love. Stuff written when I’m hunched over my phone or lying in bed or my posture curled over to support the weight of my tote bag’s contents. Stuff unplanned, unedited, like lightning or feelings. Stuff that’s meant to be read once and then forgotten and lost among heart reacts and/or keyboard smashes.
Usually it’s some internal conversation or idea that’s been baking over several days, months, et cetera. Made nuanced or developed while thinking in the shower or when I wake up or when I have a spare five minutes of mental quiet. Things about growing up or dying or being happy or understanding what we’re meant to be doing on Earth. They’re not academic or anything because I’m not trying to be an academic. I’m only an expert on life in the way every human being is.
I have norms and expectations (rules) for you.
I’m not going to write on any promised cadence because that’s not the point. I want this newsletter to follow the spirit of those text messages, sporadic and without obligation.
Don’t subscribe to the paid version because I’m not writing premium content.
I care so much for the text messages because they’re flavored by the points of view and perspectives of my friends too. So if you ever do read an installment of the newsletter and you have thoughts you want to share, however big or small, please DM/text/email about it if you care to. I want that.
You’re only allowed to read my newsletter if you want to. In fact, if you’d read this as an obligation to me, I’d genuinely hate that. I don’t believe anyone needs to read my work to be supportive of me as a friend or person, the same way I’m not looking at my friends’ spreadsheets or slide decks. I’m only writing this when I want to, so please only read when you want to as well.
Excited for this! Good luck~
Looking forward to this!!!